Nessa seção serão disponibilizados os cursos oferecidos pelo LCCEM.
Minicurso de Método de Rietveld 2018
Público alvo: Alunos de programas de pós-graduação, pós-doutores e professores universitários.
Carga horária: O curso será realizado em 5 dias (40 horas), sendo que 8 horas serão dedicadas à teoria básica sobre difração de raios X e cristalografia, em momentos oportunos.
Informações Gerais: A Bruker-Brasil fornecerá licenças temporárias do TOPAS para os participantes. As licenças valerão apenas para os dias de curso, e no local do mesmo. Quem tem o TOPAS ou o TOPAS-Academic poderá vir com ele instalado em seu próprio notebook.
8:00: Abertura. Apresentação dos instrutores e da filosofia do curso.
JSN PowerAdmin makes your Joomla administration process easy and enjoyable. It allows you to have full control under your Joomla website in single screen. You can manipulate elements by using convenient GUI with drag-n-drop operations.
AdminBar allows you to perform common actions quickly: Search items, check actions history, manage users and manage site.
Spotlight Search helps you search items in your website quickly.
Here we go to the coolest feature of this extension: Site Manager. It helps you control the website content in one place. As you see, it covers Menu, Component and Modules.
Here you can manage your menus. If you want to move items within a menu, simply drag and drop them. If you want to edit more, left click on menu items.
This section shows you the component of the menu item you selected. JSN PowerAdmin helps you move the mouse over all elements on the page and configure them with a single click. The software will automatically adjust all necessary parameters for you
Here you can manage all Modules of the current default template. You can drag and drop a module to different module positions, or simply click on modules and positions to get more editing options.
JSN PowerAdmin supports 10 languages: English, German, Dutch, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Polish and Japan. It works perfectly with Joomla admin templates: Hathor, Mission Control, Admin Praise Lite, VTEM Admin, Minima and other
Impressions from Joomla site builders...
All I can say is it turbo-charged the admin area. So many shortcuts, saving hours of clicking and checking. With developers creating extensions like these, Joomla can only go up. My hat is off to the Joomlashine team - pcbob
JSN PowerAdmin is a great timesaver. It adds drag & drop functionality to menus and modules. The live search over articles, modules, menus, plug-ins ... is perfect. You visually can administrate all content elements like release date, author, category etc. I simply love it! Thank to Joomlashine - Herm
The moment I installed this component I could see the improvements and difference it makes in managing my site. A hefty percentage of my time in Joomla is spent switching between sections and finding modules and editing their settings. Where have you been all my life?- talgans
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Please use the code JSNPOLL5 to get $5 OFF when purchase any products from JoomlaShine. (Not applied with other promotions)
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To be informed about latest news from JoomlaShine Team:
Joomla! 1.6 continues development of the Joomla Framework and CMS as a powerful and flexible way to bring your vision of the web to reality. With the administrator now fully MVC, the ability to control its look and the management of extensions is now complete.
Laboratório de Cristalografia e Caracterização Estrutural de Materiais.
LCCEM/CCNH/UFABC - Av. dos Estados, 5001, bairro Santa Terezinha, Santo André, SP, CEP: 09210-580, Brasil.