The Laboratory of Crystallography and Structural Characterization of Materials (LCCEM), headed by Prof. Dr. Fabio Furlan Ferreira, is located at the Center for Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH) of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). It has been in existence since November 30, 2011, and focuses on the characterization of the structural properties of organic and inorganic materials, mainly through the use of powder X-ray diffraction. The laboratory facilities are available to internal and external collaborations, both in the academic and private sectors. The laboratory's professors have extensive experience in the use of synchrotron light and conventional diffraction techniques, working on topics such as characterization of polymorphs of pharmaceutical ingredients, phase quantification by the Rietveld method and determination of crystal structures with powder X-ray diffraction data. See more about our pieces of equipment and analyses capabilities by accessing the "Infrastructure" tab.